Filipino Sign Language or FSL is the natural sign of the Filipino Deaf. It is the indigenous sign language used by the Filipino Deaf community to communicate among themselves.
FSL has its own linguistic features like grammar, syntax,morphology and vocabulary. Like any other sign language, FSL is a visual language and does not follow any spoken or written language. It is not based on Filipino nor English language. Although it is heavily influenced by American Sign Language, it has it own structure and sign system.
Manila Christian Computer Institute for the Deaf College of Technology (MCCID College) is one of the pioneers in the adaption and promotion of Fiipino Sign Language in the Philippines.
Among the objectives of MCCID College are:
- to assist in the development of standard sign language especially in information and communications technology terms;
- to provide skills training and assessment in sign language and interpreting;
- to help in the dissemination of information about deafness, deaf people, Filipino Sign Language and their culture
With the designing of Filipino Sign Language Font, and now this simple FSL app, MCCID upholds one of its goal of recognizing and spreading the use of indigenous signs.
The FSL app is a simple informative program that teaches how to fingerspell letters, numbers and special characters. It also has a video of Philippine National Anthem signed by a deaf using FSL.